Dr. Bishwa Raj Dawadi is medical professional with more than 16 years of first hand practical experience of offering medical service and medical education in various settings including rapidly urbanizing cities, rural mountains and higher Himalayas. He has been standing tall with his medical activism by providing free service in various capacities to rural poor and vulnerable groups. Dr. Dawadi also brings the experience of academic professional as he has ample of substantial experiences in delivering lectures and transferring skills at national and international to medical graduates. During the course he was also elected as NMC steering committee member by virtue of which he has been significantly contributing in improving medical governance in Nepal. Dr. Dawadi is aspirant in pursing newer knowledge and skills and always open to innovation.
- NMC Number - 4996
- Qualification - MDGP (TUTH),DIMM, MBBS, Bangladesh
- Speciality - Family Medicine & Mountain Medicine
- Website - N/A