Asked by Jay k ,2 years
on 30/7/21
1. Telmisartan IP 40 mg 2.Metformin - 500 MG 3. Coximed 60 mg 4.Neurega- ML 50/500 5.Oncotrex- 10 mg 6. Folic Acid- 5mg 7. HCQ's -200mg We're concerned about drug interactions between all those drugs. Coximed has serious side effects and the patient might have a heart attack. Few countries have prohibited this medicine. Do you have any alternative med instead of that? We had completed lab where ck-nac came higher 220 IU/I, the range is 46-171 and MCH is slightly high of 31.7 pg, the range is 27-30. I can attach the x-ray report as well. Do patients need a LFT and KFT test prior to starting these drugs? Is there something else you recommend? Please feel free to let us know if you need any further information. We appreciate your help in advance.