Asked by Anonymous User ,37 years
on 10/9/18
As am a bp patient for a year age 32,,am taking amlong25on morning and amfastl50in evening.. Is it good to take both medication ..i heard it contains 10mg of amlodinpine
Asked by Anonymous User ,37 years
on 10/9/18
As am a bp patient for a year age 32,,am taking amlong25on morning and amfastl50in evening.. Is it good to take both medication ..i heard it contains 10mg of amlodinpine
तपाइँले यो औसधि कताबाट सुरु गर्नुभयो भन्न कुरामा भर पर्छ । चिकित्सकको सल्लाहमा लिनुभएको हो भने एकपटक सोही चिकित्सकलाई भेटेर परिक्षण गराउनुहोला। प्रेसर , मधुमेह, मुटुको समस्या आदिको उपचार सकेसम्म एकै चिकित्सकसंग फलो अप गर्दै सेवन गरेको राम्रो । एकपटक हजुरले पहिले देखाउनुभएको वा कुनै अरु फिजिसियनलाइ देखाएर सल्लाह लिनुहोला।
Asked by Anonymous User ,0 years
4 days, 12 hours ago