Asked by Anonymous User
on 26/3/19
1 and half month earlier i completely torn my ankle ligament what should i do it still pain a lot
Asked by Anonymous User
on 26/3/19
1 and half month earlier i completely torn my ankle ligament what should i do it still pain a lot
आफ्नो प्रश्न अलि विस्तृत रुपमा राख्नुहोला। तपाईलाई दुखाइ हिड्न गाह्रो के भैरहेको छ? त्योबेला कुनै उपचार गर्नुभएको थियो कि नाइ? हड्डीमा कुनै चोट नलागेको भए यो समस्या आफै बिस्तारै आराम गरेमा ठिक हुँदै जान्छ । साह्रै दुखेमा वा ठिक नभएमा एकपटक हाडजोर्नी रोग विशेषज्ञलाई देखाउनुहोला। धन्यवाद ।
Asked by Nirmal karki ,22 years
5 hours, 24 minutes ago
How to stop bed wetting problem? What is the medicine for this problem